Record Calls on Your Phone

Most marketers have realized the importance of call tracking to measure the success of their marketing campaigns. With call tracking, you can measure the conversions from each of your ads, campaigns, keywords and more. Today, we’re going to discuss a neat feature that call tracking solutions like CallGear offer: the ability to record phone calls.

So, why should your business record phone calls? For one, if done right, you can get an abundance of meaningful insights just by recording phone calls and listening to them. In this post, we’ll show you how a phone call recorder serves your business. You will also learn how to record a phone call using your call tracking software.

The Need of Phone Recording for Your Business

Let’s use a case study to illustrate the use of a phone recorder for your business. One of our clients was running a few PPC ads. We had them set up call tracking to measure how many calls those ads were bringing to their business.

Our analysis showed that one particular ad was resulting in a huge volume of calls. But the calls weren’t leading to any transactions. So we decided to activate the phone recording feature and showed the client how to record phone calls using CallGear.

The Results Were Unexpected!

After we have collected some call recordings, we decided to hear them out. It turned out that most of the callers were calling to inquire about the price, and to request their desired specifications. As a result, the calls were directed to the sales department where the reps attended to the customer queries. The reps would then close the deals and credit the sales to the CRM.

Call Voice Recording Uncovers the Reality

It became clear that the ad was creating sales, but because they weren’t tracking the calls, the sales were mistakenly credited to the wrong sources. The client was previously considering shutting down the ad, which would have been really disastrous for their business. Armed with the data provided by phone call recording, he was able to truly understand his advertising campaigns.

How to Record Phone Calls Using our Call Tracking Solution

Are you wondering how to record a call? If it’s as simple as we say it is?

The good news is that you don’t have to make any extra effort to record cell phone calls compared to landline calls. Advanced call tracking solutions like CallGear have a built-in call recording feature. You just need to activate the feature and let the software do its job.

You can listen to the call recordings, download them, and even take advantage of conversation transcriptions in real-time!

Businesses can also get a host of benefits when they start to record calls. Let’s take a look at some of the most important applications of the recording feature for businesses.

Record Phone Calls to Understand Your Customers

Call recordings are a great resource to develop a strong understanding of your customers. You can easily get a clear picture of your target audience and work out their characteristics by listening to call recordings. Having a clear understanding of the buyer persona helps you to:

“Don’t find customers for your products, find products for your customers.” – David Ogilvy

Call recordings can give you a strong understanding of how your customer perceives your products or services. You can find out how customers are using the product, the things they like and dislike about your products or services, and other details.

Based on the information, the R&D or product development team can develop fitting products and services that meet customer expectations. All this information is free, and you don’t need to invest in costly market surveys or focus groups.

Record Phone Calls to Improve Your Customer Service

You can record your phone calls to improve customer service. Here’s how:

Capture Crucial Information

It’s not always possible to take down notes while talking to a customer. That raises the possibility of missing out on important details the customer might have relayed to the agent. Call recording serves as a ready resource and you can listen to your recordings at any time to note down key talking points or observations.

This makes customers feel that you are truly making an effort to hear them out!

Improve Agent Performance

Call recordings offer you an easy way to gauge agent performance. You can listen to the calls, review the text transcripts and find out how each agent is doing. Then you can track the agents who are performing poorly and take remedial measures.

Call recording also makes your agents conscious and brings out the best in them!

Provide Training to Agents

Can you record a phone call to provide training for your employees?

The answer is yes! Call recording gives you an opportunity to track the winning conversations that result in sales. You can then use the conversations to train your agents and establish best practices.

Anyone in your organization, from sales reps to customer support teams, can benefit greatly from this type of coaching. And in turn, your business can offer superior customer service.

Phone Recording can Serve as Proof of Contract

Phone recordings help you stay on the right side of the law. You can use the recording to comply with applicable legal, industrial and service guidelines. The recordings can also be used as proof in lawsuits brought against you by unhappy customers. Protect yourself!

Using our call recording feature can help you mitigate disputes even before lawyers are called.

Final Thoughts

Call recording is a lifesaver for many businesses. You can use the call recording feature in our call tracking solution to improve customer service, coach your team and enhance your products and services. It also serves as solid proof of verbal contracts and protects your company from legal hassles. If you are using call tracking, then you should activate call recording without a second thought. Ensure the profitability and growth of your business. You can also use call recordings for quality control and track employee performance in real-time. What are you waiting for!?

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