Are Your Employees Mishandling Phone Calls? We Can Help!

The numbers don’t lie. 92% of all customer interactions happen over the phone (Brevet).

That means our first impression of your company is based on your employees’ ability to communicate over the phone.

If they don’t represent your brand and your voice appropriately, customers will seek services elsewhere.


Don’t believe me?


According to TechnoPrene, 89% of customers get frustrated because they have to repeat issues to multiple representatives over the phone, while 66% switch companies because of subpar customer service over the phone.


And if your employees miss a call? 85% of callers won’t call again.


There a lot of factors that can negatively affect phone conversations. Some are at the fault of the call handler, but most stem from a company’s lack of customer analytic tools.


So why are calls mishandled?


Your employees never know WHERE calls are coming from. 

If your employees are completely unaware of where a phone call is coming from, they will have to spend valuable time extracting information from the caller. That might already be 10 minutes of wasted phone time!


But what if there was a way to track the original source of the call in real-time. 


With call tracking software, as soon as the phone rings, your employees will know the location of the caller, the history of the caller, and the specific advertisement, website, or landing page they are calling from.

Are they calling from your recent Facebook campaign? Or your demo landing page?


Did they call last week about a specific product they purchased? Or is this a new lead?


If your employees can analyze all of this information from simply one ring of the phone, they can answer the phone with confidence. They can ‘read the customers’ minds’ and turn over that call in minutes. All of this data will also be stored in an easy-to-use tracking dashboard.


Your employees aren’t focused on recurring questions and concerns.

Yes, every employee is trained to answer any question and solve any issue that arises on the phone. 


However, there will always be products or services that require the most attention. There will always be parallels in customer questions or concerns. And the reason these concerns might keep popping up, is because your employees still don’t know how to approach them.


With Keyword Tracking, your call tracking software will recognize keywords that the majority of callers are saying.


If ‘Product A’ is constantly appearing in your data then your employees must put more of their time into studying its features.


If ‘Service Not Working’ is a phrase you’re seeing over and over, your employees must be trained to address this problem efficiently and effectively.


Once your employees are able to recognize recurring themes in phone calls, they can practice and memorize their responses, shorten calls, and make customers happier.


Your employees haven’t mastered their sales PITCH.

Your company may have a generic sales pitch given to new customers, but is it working? How do you know? Are you tracking conversions? 


One part of the pitch might make total sense, another might lose the customer in a heartbeat.


With Speech Analytics, your call tracking software can automatically monitor and transcribe every phone call between a customer and an employee, and report the success of each.


If you discover your sales pitch needs work, you can adjust accordingly, re-analyze, and repeat. As your employees close more and more deals, they begin to master the perfect sales pitch your company has been searching for. 


Your employees aren’t right.

On the contrary, you might realize that some of your call handlers need to be retrained, demoted, or even terminated.


By observing their conversation rate, call duration, call transcription, and overall customer satisfaction levels, you can truly understand if they are doing your brand justice. 


At the end of the day, they are your first line of communication. They must get the job done.


Track Missed Calls and Web2Call

As I mentioned before, if you miss a call, chances are you lose that lead forever.


With call tracking, not only can you track information on all missed calls and continue building data on your customers, you can actually redirect those calls to employees with the click of a button. 


Another feature called Web2Call allows web visitors to enter their phone numbers in a widget on your website, and instantly receive a call from your call tracking system. As the call tracking system connects to the customer, it also calls an employee and links the calls together.


Never miss a call again, but more importantly, make sure your employees are ready to pick up the phone and handle the call properly.


There you have it.


Call tracking is what your business is missing to close more deals and make more money. It supplies your employees with the tools and information necessary to manage any call that comes their way.


It also allows you to monitor these employees, teach them, and learn from them.


It’s time to start tracking calls.


If you think you can benefit from call tracking software, give ours a try.


CallGear is an online service that shows where the phone leads come from. With CallGear dashboards you monitor and report your performance in real time. It could be any information like call duration, lead type, lead source or even a reason why a call was missed. 


Clear and simple real-time reporting, call insight with Speech Analytics, and AI powered SmartTag for Inbound Call Qualification.


No matter where your dealership is and what kind of cars you sell… better understand your customers. Save money on ads. And make money on conversions. Call tracking will make you happy. 100% Guaranteed. 


Find a software that allows your business to be there for your customers. 


The phone is ringing… are you going to pick it up? (Figuratively speaking of course, I know you will physically pick up the phone if it’s ringing).  


Apply for CallGear 
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