IP Telephony for Education: How to Handle 27% More Calls to Your Business

If your sales managers are working remotely, how do you know which of them are fulfilling their quota of sales calls per day? Don’t stress, we can help. CallGear has the tools to keep track of all employee data and report the findings to use in one easy-to-use dashboard.

We’ll tell you how our client TutGood effectively sold more of their tutoring services by analyzing calls and conversations with clients.

About the Client

TutGood is a single subscription service for online tutors for children. It provides instant help and regular classes in all subjects at a single price. Among the disciplines taught are secular school studies, programming, financial literacy, guitar, vocals, etc.

The Problem

1. Tutgood had insufficient control of productivity and the workload of their sales managers

In order to effectively analyze the performance of their team, they needed to see:

2. Tutgood had a lack of internal call quality control

The company had been using a third party company to listen in on the calls. We decided to reduce their outsourcing costs and hire full-time specialists. It was necessary to implement their own corporate control tools in order to:

Used features of CallGear


The CallGear communications platform was connected, including a comprehensive solution for call centers (manager’s workplace), and integrated with amoCRM. As a result:

1. Analytics on calls appeared, and KPIs began to improve

Our set of reports allows you to analyze:

Our ready integration of telephony with amoCRM allows you to conveniently make and receive calls without leaving your CRM, all through a built-in widget.

Thanks to control and automation, the number of processed calls for Tutgood increased by 27%. All employees at the company work remotely, but all their work is now visible.

2. We implemented a call quality control process built from within

With CallGear tools, we allow your company to create its own quality control process. All conversations are recorded and stored in amoCRM cards. The conversations are then listened to by staff of the company to evaluate and draw up reports.

Tutgood can now permanently test and learn from their findings. Managers rely on mind maps and sales scripts that need to be checked and corrected. Thanks to the call records, it is easy to understand in time which scripts work and which don’t.

Conversations will naturally improve overall – this can be seen both in the records of conversations and in transactions. The conversion of leads into purchases increased by 5% for TutGood!

3. Tutgood obtained a stable cloud technology for communications

Unlike other IT services, CallGear services work without interruption. Once we’re connected, you’re good to go.

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