What is the Best Time to make Business Calls to Your Customers?

Cold calls have a striking conversion rate compared to other marketing methods. You obviously should be reaching out to prospects on the phone if you want to increase sales. Which brings up the question: When is the best time to call your customers?

As it turns out, we have specific days and times when business calls are most effective. People convert more during these periods, which is the goal of your marketing efforts. Today, we’ll tell you the best time for a business call and how to tailor it to your needs.

Best Business Call Time based on Response Rate

Before we give you the times and days, let’s find out how long your ideal response time should be. Let’s say a customer fills your web form or contacts you without getting a response. What will the best time to call that person be?

As statistics show, you should aim to call back within an hour of the prospect taking action. That means you should call them back within one hour of filling the webform out or calling your business, tops. The quicker you act, the higher chances you close the deal.

Businesses who call back a customer within a minute show a 391% conversion rate! So don’t put off that call even if it’s past 11pm; your prospect might still be waiting for it! Everybody appreciates speed, and that’s why we have same-day deliveries and an extremely on-demand economy.

When is the Best Time to Call Your Customers?

So, when is the best time to call your customers?

Obviously, you would aim for a time when your prospects are available and willing to entertain a business call. When it comes to the best days, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday turn out to be the best for calling your customers.

Making the call on Wednesday seems to have the best results, with a 46% difference with other days. Most calls resulted in conversations in the first attempt on Wednesdays.

Try not to make any calls on Friday, as most people avoid conversations around the weekend.

The Best Time to Call for Your Business

The above statistics should act as general guidelines. Based on your industry and other factors, the best time to call your customers may differ. You can determine your ideal time by considering:

How Early can a Business Call You?

Should you call someone at 6am?

Well, if that person has initiated an inquiry, you can make the call (remember the one-hour response rate). Otherwise, call when you would expect someone to be available, most likely after 10 or 11am.

How Many Times Can I Call a Customer?

Statistics show that it takes around 6 calls to make contact with your prospect. So don’t give up!

You can easily find the best call times for your business by analyzing call reports and call recordings using call tracking solutions like CallGear. Give it a try today!

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