Call-Tracking, Web2Call, & Online Chat… Now All-In-One

If you read our first article, How Call Insights make Business Owners Happy, then you understand how important call data is for your company. 

If you didn’t, let me summarize: 162 billion smartphone calls will be made to US businesses from digital advertisements in 2019 (Search Engine Journal). There are only 2 billion active smartphones in the world.

Still don’t believe me? How about this one:

69% of people searching the mobile web call a business straight from Google search (Blue Corona). 

What does that tell us? The majority of your customers are calling YOUR business from paid advertising. It’s working! Congratulations! 

But how are you managing those phone calls? Are you keeping track of every caller? Do you know which ads they called from? Which number they called from? 

I guess the real question is: Are you optimizing your ads and calls to the best of your ability? Or are you over-spending? Are you tracking leads and retaining customers? Or are you missing out on collecting vital data that ensures you never miss out on a potential sales opportunity. 

According the Blue Corona, less than 30% of small businesses use website analytics, call tracking, or coupon codes. 18% of small businesses admit to not tracking anything. Do these businesses want to succeed? That’s a rhetorical question.

I’m insinuating that you should consider investing in Call-Tracking software. There, I said it. 

Every call-insight software is different. Each has unique features. Each has their strengths and weaknesses. But when analyzing what’s best for YOUR business, there are three essential features you cannot afford to miss out on. Literally, it will cost you more money.


1. Call-Tracking

In our last article, we cover the basics of call-tracking. Call-tracking at its core tells you exactly where customers are calling from, and when. This data helps determine who is calling (demographically), location (geographically), and which time of day/night is most effective.

But more significantly to your business today, call-tracking tells you the how and why customers are calling your business in order for you to increase ROI, reduce spend, and forward every call to your office. That’s right, make your sales men/women actually WORK. Just kidding.

The how and why tracking stems from monitoring and reporting detailed analytics down to a keyword or specific banner across Google Ads, Bing Ads, Facebook Ads. Proper software can trace a call back to its origin so that you know which ads to keep paying for, and which to cut. Bye-bye wasted spend.

After the campaign, you’ll know exactly what the most important marketing metrics were for that campaign: number of calls, cost per lead, and your bread and butter: conversions.


Another major aspect of call-tracking is inserting virtual numbers onto each ad, both online and offline. Whether it’s TV, Print, outdoor, radio, or flyer ads, your call-tracking software should insert unique virtual numbers on each advertisement so that every call is traceable to the source.  

This leads us to our second essential feature. Time to jump on the phone.

2. Web2Call:

Your sales team needs a faster process for following up with leads. They are connected to customers calling virtual numbers, and reach out through your CRM, but they’re still sitting around eating donuts… 

If only there was a way to instantaneously connect any inbound call to a sales operator automatically…

Oh wait, there is! Didn’t see that one coming, did you?

Say a potential customer is on your real estate website, looking to buy a house. With Web2Call, a widget will pop up asking this person to fill in their phone number if they’re interested in chatting with a team member.

As soon as this person puts in their phone number, they instantaneously receive a call from the system. But wait… it gets better.

While the system is calling your soon-to-be buyer, it also is calling a member of your sales team.

Customer: “Hello?”


Web2Call’s magic system connects the customer DIRECTLY to the salesperson within seconds.

Salesperson: “I hear you’re interested in buying this billion-dollar castle.”

And just like that, you’re converting an inbound call. 

If a customer does not want to be called right away, the Web2Call widget can also have them schedule a time to be called later in the day. Same process, same conversation, at the right time.  


Speaking of conversations, let’s get to our third and final essential feature.


3. Online Chat:

Customer service is the backbone of any successful business. Take Zappos for example (everyone’s favorite example), they built their company off of being there for their customers and making them feel appreciated. 

You need a call-tracking software that gives your customers and leads the capability of speaking with a member of the team at any time. This will ensure that they feel cared about, respected, and assisted during the process of making a purchase, which can be a frightening task for many. 

If a call-tracking software has these three essential features, you are in the right place.

Hey, look! You are in the right place. Give ours a try today.

CallGear is an online service that shows where the phone leads come from. With CallGear dashboards you monitor and report your performance in real time. It could be any information like call duration, lead type, lead source or even a reason why the call was missed. 

Clear and simple real-time reporting, call insight with Speech Analytics, and AI powered SmartTag for Inbound Call Qualification.

Whether you’re a realtor, travel agent, car dealer, petcare provider, chiropractor, or anything and everything in between… better understand your customers. Save money on ads. And make money on conversions. Call insights will make you happy. 100% Guaranteed. 

Find a software that allows your business to be there for your customers. 

The phone is ringing… are you going to pick it up? (Figuratively speaking of course, I know you will physically pick up the phone if it’s ringing).  


Apply for CallGear 
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