How To Score More Phone Leads With A PPC Call Tracking Plan

Do you know how to ensure that your PPC campaign performs well?

The data collected by call tracking defines the success of your PPC campaign. Without data, knowing whether the campaign is just wasting resources or performing as anticipated becomes impossible.

“How did you hear about us?”

If you want to know the source without asking this question, a PPC Call Tracking Plan is the most convenient way to find out.

Advertisers can track clicks generated by PPC campaigns to calculate the exact return on investment (ROI). However, these results often overlook an important aspect: phone calls triggered by the PPC campaigns.

We are here to assist you in creating a PPC call tracking plan that gets better results than you can imagine, and it begins with phone leads!

Tracking Phone Leads

Phone leads record the highest conversion rate of 1000%. But without call tracking in the picture, you miss out on 50% of those leads.
Different levels of call tracking plans deliver varying results based on their features. The most basic solutions tell you which PPC campaigns are the source of an inbound call. To improve conversions, better plans will notify you of which search engine or keyword generated the phone lead. Using top notch call tracking plans will maximize these outcomes.

Visitor-Session-Based Call Tracking

In this type of call tracking, every visitor gets a separate number for their PPC campaign click. This means when a visitor clicks on a PPC ad, they are driven to a destination URL from the ad, which turns into an entry URL for your website.

Tracking additional factors such as keyword, match type, ad group, and the campaign becomes possible using variables appended to the destination URL.

Know the Source

A big contributor to any successful business is to know which campaign drives in the most leads. Online or offline, paid or organic, every phone lead must trace back to the campaign that made it possible.

As compared to form leads, phone leads close the deal 300% of the time. This should not come as a surprise as people who fill out forms are often looking for information whereas people who call are generally ready to seal the deal. For this reason, SMB owners list phone leads as the most valuable type of leads.

The Advantages of a PPC Call Tracking Plan

On average an SMB may advertise their business using seven different marketing mediums to boost sales. But if you ignore call tracking and use a single number to manage all channels, you are missing out on thousands of leads.

By using a phone tracking system, you can launch new marketing strategies quickly and efficiently. It may seem archaic, but driving traffic to call you gives you the best chances of closing deals with new customers. prefer one-to-one communication to find answers to their questions.

PPC call tracking data provides several benefits, some of which are:

Tracking Sources

Call tracking platforms like us allow clients to trace customers back to the campaigns where they originated. This becomes necessary when a business runs multiple campaigns on different search engines like Bing and Google.

Call Data

PPC call tracking gives you detailed information about the calls you get. From the peak hours, to the total number of calls daily, reporting gives you numbers that help you refine your campaigns.

Keyword Data

Call tracking also tells you which keywords triggered the PPC ad. This allows you to adjust your bidding towards the keywords driving in calls with the most revenue.

Split Testing

Split testing targets two or more landing pages to compare which generates better results. The marketing agency assigns unique numbers to both of the landing pages, helping you determine which page gets more clicks.

Overall Campaign Performance

Tracking the number of conversions helps you improve future campaigns and increase your marketing ROI. Accurate conversion metrics allow you to put a number on every active campaign and track it.

If you are looking to do more with your call tracking solution, find one that offers you the comprehensive features your company needs. Check out our call tracking solutions here at CallGear, and find out how we can help you do more!

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