0800 Numbers: What Are They and How Do They Work?


Phone numbers can be different depending on a range of factors. One of the common categories for companies includes 0800 numbers, as they allow businesses to offer free phone calls to their customers. The vast majority of large organizations, both businesses and charities, have these numbers so that people can reach them easily without having to worry about the cost of their calls. In the United Kingdom, the most common free numbers you see begin with ‘0808’ and ‘0800’ and they have been used since 1985.

How do these numbers work?

While these numbers are free to call, companies have to pay service charges to maintain 0800 and 0808 numbers. Before the introduction of toll-free numbers, companies offered users an opportunity to request a callback, but now the entire process is a lot simpler.

The 0800 number is commonly used by charities, government establishments, and businesses that encourage direct connections with customers. With the help of such numbers, companies are able to ensure that every customer that wants to call can do so easily and at any moment. 0800 numbers are used for advertising, sale lines, customer support, and more. Despite the fact that companies have to pay for these numbers, this approach makes sense for businesses in the long run.

With the introduction of call packages and other mobile features, these numbers are not as relevant as they were about a decade ago. Still, many businesses use them as they are recognizable and it makes a company look more legit and approachable. It gives the impression that an organization cares about its customers, which is always important.

Calling a free number from a pay-as-you-go mobile phone

In the case that you have a pay-as-you-go mobile phone, you still don’t have to pay when you dial an 0800 number. This rule applies if you decide to call an 0800 number when you make calls in the UK. However, when you decide to make a call from another country, it is always a good idea to check rates for 0800 numbers in specific regions.

What about virtual phone numbers?

As technologies continue to evolve, both clients and businesses get additional benefits. A virtual number or a virtual landline number is the type of phone number that is not tied to a particular telephone line or landline.

This type of the number can be obtained by using cloud solutions, such as CallGear. The number you get exists in the cloud and it works in the same way that any regular number would. However, the provider of this service redirects any of the calls you get either to your mobile phone or to your landline. Besides offering a virtual number, CallGear also provides a range of other services, which makes it even more useful. For instance, you can use the call tracking function to benefit your business, or you can implement call recording to be able to analyze the work of your staff and improve your customer support.

Are 0800 virtual numbers also free?

Virtual phone numbers are no different from the standard ones in the sense that your customers won’t have to pay for calls. Whether a person calls from a mobile phone or a landline, they won’t be charged when you use an 0800 virtual phone number.

When it comes to your cost for maintaining such a number, it depends on a particular service provider. Some companies offer a monthly charge for this type of number, others may choose to charge per minute. With CallGear, you get not only an affordable service cost but also a range of additional features, which is what makes it a reasonable decision for numerous companies.

VoIP system for your company — is it worth it?

If you are not familiar with the term VoIP, it is a system that offers affordable audio communications by the means of an Internet connection rather than a standard phone line. This type of system makes it possible to make calls with the help of a VoIP-enabled phone or mobile app. What is great is that you don’t have to sign any long-term contracts or invest in expensive hardware. Also, this system is affordable and you can get your phone number in a matter of minutes, which is impossible to achieve when using a traditional method.

It is possible to get a virtual phone system called VPBX from a number of great providers, including CallGear. In addition to different phone numbers, you get access to more features, such as call queue, call recording, and more. You can decide what call-forwarding scheme you want to use and whether you need voicemail, a greeting, or others.

When you decide to get a virtual phone number, the process involves only a few steps:

Virtual phone numbers offer a lot of customization opportunities, which is something that cannot be said about landline phone numbers. You can not only decide what number you need but also how the entire process will work. By enabling additional features, you will get an entire system that will work for the benefit of your business and customers. By using a service, such as CallGear, your customer support or call center will be able to work effectively, and you’ll get an in-depth look into the statistics related your calls.

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