A Call Tracking Software Built for Agencies – From CallGear CEO and former telecom employee Kaspars Kivrins

As someone who spent a majority of their career at a telecommunications company, I understand firsthand how difficult it is to measure the effectiveness of your advertisements.

Our team initially tried to combat this issue with what we call static call tracking. We would assign customers additional phone numbers for different marketing campaigns to understand how each was performing.


The results were incredible, and more and more companies opted to track their ads.


This got me thinking.


How can we provide an even more efficient tracking service? And how can we target a larger consumer base without having to scope out individual clients?


We created dynamic call tracking. On any medium, whether it be an advertisement, website, or landing page, we can automatically display a unique phone number for each individual user. Not only could we track every ad, we could track every lead.


This data was integrated into our analytics system and we were now getting a complete 360-degree view of our customers’ journeys.


We saw the potential, and decided to make call-tracking an independent business. We began targeting ad agencies who maintain enormous portfolios of clients in need of customer retention.


And thus, CallGear was born.


We were able to empathize with agencies off the bat. Their clients always have similar issues:

“Why are we spending THIS much money?”

THIS agency says they can cut our marketing budget in half.”

“How can we tell THIS is working?” 

And goodbye. Another client switches to another agency, only to inevitably realize that the agency isn’t the problem. It’s the marketing tools the agency is using, or NOT using, that stir uncertainty in clients from small businesses to enormous corporations.


According to Martech Today, “customers who call tend to buy more, make purchases quicker, and remain customers longer than customers from other channels.”


Bottom line: CallGear helps grow your clients’ businesses by showing them how to attain more leads and make more money. Period.


Here are just a few of the issues that CallGear solves:


∙ Misunderstanding of Phone Lead Generation

In my time at an agency, one the biggest problems we faced was accurately pinpointing where phone leads were coming from and how to properly treat them.


At CallGear, our software tracks, stores, and displays all phone leads on a constantly updating dashboard. You can learn who called, when, and which ad source triggered the call. Ad sources can be both online AND offline. We’re able to track all calls by applying virtual numbers to any and all marketing efforts.


Overspending on Ads that Don’t Work

Another pain for customers is not truly grasping which ads are working, and which aren’t. This results in spending money on ads that don’t trigger calls, thus LOSING you money. It also stops you from investing MORE money into ads that ARE working, potentially increasing the number of phone leads.


This is where your clients lose faith in your services. This is when the budget doesn’t quite look right.


At CallGear, we are able to track every single advertisement your client invests in, report exact numbers on each individual ad performance, and recommend proper changes to make to optimize ad spending. This allows for complete transparency between the agency, the client, and the marketing tools used.


Inability to Properly Listen to Customers OR Employees

Marketing agencies often recommend their clients to host focus groups or to send out surveys regarding new products or product changes. This is expensive, and there is a better solution to understanding customers. 


Our software at CallGear records, monitors, and transcribes every phone call that your company receives. You can discover why customers are calling, what makes them purchase a product or service, and what doesn’t. You can then make changes accordingly to best fit your customers’ needs. 


On the other hand, (literally), you can listen to your employees and learn which scripts, selling points, or features are closing deals. You might find out that a minor feature is a MAJOR feature to thousands of people. You also might find out that some employees are not up to par during these calls, and re-train or demote said person if necessary.



At the end of the day, a client needs to trust an agency. It’s the only way the relationship will ever work. And if you’re a digital marketing agency, it’s up to you to earn your clients’ trust.


CallGear call tracking software is a marketing tool built on facts and figures. We provide all the necessary information for a company to succeed in their marketing efforts and get to know their customers. We take the weight off of an agency’s shoulder of having to put tedious work into researching and reporting a client’s customer needs.


We assist in eliminating wasted spend, and refocusing on ads and business practices that bring in leads, and profit. It’s time to retain your clients. It’s time to give CallGear a try. 


CallGear is an online service that shows where the phone leads come from. With CallGear dashboards you monitor and report your performance in real time. It could be any information like call duration, lead type, lead source or even a reason why the call was missed. 


Clear and simple real-time reporting, call insight with Speech Analytics, and AI powered SmartTag for Inbound Call Qualification.


Whether you’re a realtor, travel agent, car dealer, petcare provider, chiropractor, or anything and everything in between… better understand your customers. Save money on ads. And make money on conversions. Call insights will make you happy. 100% Guaranteed. 


Find a software that allows your business to be there for your customers. 


The phone is ringing… are you going to pick it up? (Figuratively speaking of course, I know you will physically pick up the phone if it’s ringing).


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