Fitness Holding case study IP telephony for a franchise: in 2 days, we moved a network of fitness clubs over to a single control and analytics system

What does it take to centrally manage a franchise network? How do managers track telephone sales and advertising source performance?

If there is no single telephony provider with a common personal account yet, that is where you should start. In this case study, we explain how a large holding company achieved monitoring transparency and improved its managers’ performance using the CallGear platform and integrating it with CRM.

About the client

Fitness Holding is a multi-brand network of fitness clubs. It has been on the market since 2003.

This holding company has the largest clubs in the fitness industry in its region with the highest percentage of personal training. They introduced a deposit system that allows clients to train based on unique terms in which they receive a discount on all additional services.


1. Lack of a unified ecosystem for analytics of interactions, phone conversations, and employee monitoring. Unstable communication.
Different clubs were working with different business telephony providers. Managers from the management company were having to go from one personal account to another in order to track call and management performance. It was not possible to see data for all clubs in a single interface.

“Each club operated in its own way. Some managed to establish communications, while others had problems with technical support. Sometimes employees had to exchange specific experiences to find out why certain telephony did not work for some, while it did for others. At the same time, there was no oversight from the management company.”
Anastasia Kaluzhskikh, Developer Director of Fitness Holding

Due to the instability of communication, conversations with customers were interrupted by some providers, and because of that, the speed of interaction processing suffered.

2. Too few channels for simultaneous calls
The holding company connected the TOMORU voice robot service from 1C:Fitness Club. In order for the robot to call multiple customers at the same time, a multichannel line was needed. Most telephony providers could only provide 10-15 channels, which was not enough.

3. Referral source performance was not being tracked
There was no understanding of

  • how many different types of online and offline advertising lead to interactions;
  • which forms and buttons on websites work best;
  • which channels perform best in the case of a particular club.

The following was needed to solve these problems:

  • move all clubs over to a single telephony operator;
  • implement multichannel telephony integration with CRM;
  • connect modern advertising analytics tools and integrate with CRM.

CallGear features used

CallGear features used

The Solution

We chose the CallGear platform as a single communications service for the entire network of clubs. The provider’s managers were able to quickly respond to new requests from the management company. A special solution was selected for the holding companies and franchises, which involved:

  • all the fitness clubs operating within a single personal account;
  • integration with any corporate IT system;
  • a discount for using the provider’s services throughout the network;
  • per second billing of calls instead of per minute.

The task was set by CallGear managers the very next day after the request was made. Subsequently, the full transition of all clubs to the new solution took place over 2 days.

We achieved the following improvements:

“In terms of support, CallGear has surpassed all others. Our personal manager is always available and always helps with any questions about setting up and connecting new projects. All the IT specialists at the holding company communicate with the technical support team in a single Telegram chat, where any issue can be promptly resolved. We recently opened 3 new fitness clubs and immediately connected to a single ecosystem — the whole process from settings to signing documents took no more than 3-4 days.”
Anastasia Kaluzhskikh, Developer Director of Fitness Holding

CallGear’s telephony service operates stably, thanks to which the share of lost calls has decreased. Lead processing speed has increased by 12% due to the fact that employees are not wasting time on callbacks for missed or dropped calls.

4. Advertising analytics

The new communications platform includes CallGear’s call tracking and cross analytics service, which collects data on all types of call sources and transfers it to CRM. The marketer sees:

  • which source brings calls, messenger interactions, and requests – landing page, form designer, offline platform, etc.;
  • how much profit each source brings;
  • which sources work best for specific clubs.

As a result, the managers know where to invest money.

5. Recording and storing conversations
Managers can use recordings to track the quality of communication with customers, make adjustments, and conduct employee training based on real calls. All recorded conversations are stored in customer cards.
Given the specifics of the business, the provider offers the opportunity to store recordings for an extended period of time. This allows for a more personalized approach. After a year (or longer) break in communication, you can listen to an old conversation to refresh your memory on what the client’s communication style is, their preferences, etc.


  • Over 2 days we connected a single interface with analytics for all fitness clubs
  • Lead processing speed increased by 12%
  • The cost of a minute of conversation decreased by 15%
  • The performance analysis time for all clubs decreased from 1 hour to a minimum.

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